School Rules

Rules And Regulations Rules Of Discipline

  • Refinement of manners, habits of law and order, neatness in person and dress, and punctuality are required at all times.
  • All the students must reach the school well in time. Latecomers will have to get permission from the Principal.
  • Late arrival should be informed in advance to the class teacher by the parent.
  • The school building and premises should be kept clean and tidy. Any damage caused to school property or properties owned by others will have to be compensated.
  • Permission from the Principal is necessary for leaving the school premises during school hours.
  • Books should be neatly covered and labeled. It is desirable to label all belongings to facilitate identification.
  • It is compulsory for pupils to participate in co-curricular and other school activities.
  • Pupils who do not abide by the rules and regulations of the school will be dismissed even during the academic year.
  • Campus language is English. So, students should communicate in English.
  • Every student should bring the textbooks and notebooks required for the classes.
  • Uniform rules should be followed strictly.
  • Students are prohibited from bringing cell phones, iPods, pagers, CDs, DVDs, pen drives, memory cards, etc., to the school. If found guilty, the school has the right to seize them.
  • Pupils of one class/section are not allowed to enter another class/section even during intervals.
  • Students arriving on the school campus before the first bell (9:10 AM) must go straight to their classrooms. Running, playing, or shouting inside the classroom or corridors is not allowed.
  • Students and teachers must attend the morning assembly and join the prayers.
  • Collection of any kind for any purpose whatsoever among students or staff is not allowed without the permission of the Principal.