The Primary Classes I-III
The Primary Classes IV-V
Subjects:English,Malayalam,Mathematics,Hindi,Environmental Science.
Middle Classes VI - VIII
Subjects:English,Malayalam,Mathematics,Hindi,Science,Social Science
High School IX – X
Subjects:English,Malayalam,Mathematics,Science,Social Science
List of books prescribed in various classes
Classes I – III:English,Maths,Evs(Flora semester I &II Ratna Sagar), Malayalam (Ente Malayalam New Jyothi)
Classes IV- V:English,Maths,Evs(Flora semester I &II Ratna Sagar), Hindi (Madhur-Macmillan),Malayalam (Malayalam manjari Hallmark)
Classes VI – VIII:English (Buzz word Orient Black Swan),Mathematics,Science, Social Science( NCERT) ,Hindi (Madhur-Macmillan),Malayalam (Malayalam manjari Hallmark)
Classes IX – X :All subjects NCERT.
As per the bye laws of CBSE we, the Chairman Eldhose Mathai Mannarathara and principal Praseeja P C here by affirm that we have gone through the contents of the book prescribed by the school and own the responsibility.
Chairman:Eldhose Mathai Mannarathara
Principal :Praseeja P C